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Ginger and Moe and the Incredible Coincidence

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Everything was perfect at first: Linda had wanted cats, two of them so they would have each other for company. And Ginger and Moe, two beautiful cats born in an animal hospital, had wanted a loving home. But one day Linda began to feel sick, and when she learned from her doctor that she was allergic to her two cats and would not get better until she got rid of them, Linda was forced to find a solution, quickly.

Ginger and Moe and the Incredible Coincidence is a heartwarming true story with lessons about love, sacrifice and the nature of fate. It offers a powerful reminder that behind every challenge is an opportunity to generate a creative outcome. A fun book for everyone to enjoy!


"This beautiful book is full of life lessons for children of all ages. The author’s bigheartedness and sincerity are evident on every page. Sometimes we can’t have what we want, her story tells us, but we can always endeavor to do what is right for others, both people and animals. Ginger and Moe and the Incredible Coincidence should be part of every grade school curriculum."
~ Joan
author of The Last Wife of Attila the Hun and other novels
“This book was fun to read. The book showed just how much people really love and care about their cats. I now know what makes people allergic to cats.”
~ Chelsey
Age Eight
“This book reaches out to all those pet lovers with allergies, including myself. It is amazing the sacrifices we go through because of the unconditional love we have for our pets. This is a heartwarming story with a feel-good ending that all animals lovers will enjoy.”
~ J. Lori
author of Jax’s Big Adventure and elementary teacher